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I'm a nationalist, but Donald Trump is the wrong kind of nationalist

As someone who considers myself to be a nationalist, I was extremely disturbed by President Donald Trump proudly declaring himself to be a nationalist at a rally in the home county of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Trump's brand of nationalism is fascist and hypocritical. Trump's policies, particularly on issues like immigration and foreign policy, as well as his bigotry and political appeal to bigotry, are deeply rooted in Trump's brand of far-right phony nationalism. Trump's extreme anti-immigrant policies are deeply rooted in a white nationalist vision of America, and, when it comes to foreign policy, Trump claims to put "America first", but he pals around with fellow far-right authoritarians like Russia's Vladimir Putin and sells U.S. arms to the absolute monarchy that rules Saudi Arabia.

My nationalist views are considerably different, and, in many ways, directly at odds with that with Trump.

America is a nation of immigrants. To deny that America is created by immigrants is to deny the entire history of the United States of America. I believe that an intersectional, left-wing brand of nationalism can be built around the notion that America is created by immigrants. I believe that the notion that government can play an active role in boosting America's economy is consistent with true, left-wing nationalist goals. I believe that making America a more equal country in terms of racial equality, gender equality, LGBTQ equality, and other forms of equality is an inherently nationalist goal consistent with left-wing nationalist thought. I believe that America shouldn't entangle itself in alliances with foreign countries and respect the sovereignty and independence of foreign nations, and this is consistent with left-wing nationalist thought.

There really isn't a large audience for left-wing nationalism here in America, but I'm very much a left-wing nationalist.
