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An isolationist's take on Pyeongchang 2018, part 2 of 3

In this second part of my three-part series reviewing the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang County, South Korea, I'm going to review how NBC and its co-owned cable and satellite television channels, such as NBCSN, CNBC, and USA Network, covered the Pyeongchang Games. While I'm normally very critical of NBC's Olympic coverage, including their coverage of the Pyeongchang Games, NBC didn't do as terrible of a job as I expected them to do, and there were even some aspects of their coverage that I liked. Criticism of NBC's coverage (and, in one instance, of how a NBC affiliate handled NBC's Olympic coverage) will appear in bold text, praise of NBC's coverage will appear in underlined text, and aspects of NBC's coverage that I have mixed thoughts about will appear in italic text. As a general rule, NBC's coverage, particularly during the primetime block on NBC itself during the Games, tends to be overproduced and overhyped , and NBC seemed more interes