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Showing posts from August, 2018

About Tiger, Beto, and Serena

Think of this single blog post as a three-part blog post about recent developments at the intersection of sports and politics. First, golf legend Tiger Woods generated some controversy after he refused to either praise or condemn some of President Donald Trump's policies, but asked Americans to respect the office of the President of the United States : The full exchange, with a New York Times reporter, was barely a minute long. Asked about his relationship with Trump, Woods reflected on their history playing together (including most recently last Thanksgiving weekend): "We've played golf together. We've had dinner together. I've known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency.” Then Woods was asked about whether his relationship with Trump was an implicit endorsement of Trump’s policies toward immigrants and people of color? Treading cautiously, Woods said he felt compelled to respect the office. "He's the President of the United States....

Nearly one-third of the tweets that Trump has liked have come from his own Twitter account

I recently discovered on Twitter that it is, as of this writing, physically possible to hit the heart-shaped like button on one’s own tweets. I have publicly recommended that Twitter disable the ability of people to like their own tweets, while preserving the ability for people to like others’ tweets: I think Twitter shouldn't allow people to like their own tweets. That sounds like something that egomaniacs do. Obviously, I do believe that Twitter should continue allowing people to like others' tweets. — Aaron Camp (@ProgMid) August 4, 2018 That got me wondering whether or not the world’s most infamous tweeter, President Donald Trump, has a habit of liking his own tweets. Trump has extremely rarely hit the like button on tweets, having only hit the heart-shaped button a total of, as of this writing, 25 times from his own Twitter account . However, eight of those 25 tweets, or 32% of the tweets that Trump has liked, have come from his own account. I'm not sure if anyon...