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Foster Friess is running for Governor of Wyoming and is already making a total fool of himself

Late last week, far-right Republican megadonor Foster Friess entered the race for the Republican nomination for Governor of Wyoming. In a short amount of time as a gubernatorial candidate, Friess has already embarrassed Wyoming and proved that he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about:
Friess used a state (Republican) party convention luncheon to call for a return to "civility" in American politics. He then suggested that Barack Obama had funneled money intended to mitigate global warming to cousins in a foreign country Friess didn't know how to pronounce, adding, "Zoowanatou ... it’s some little country I’ve never been."

Friess also addressed the importance of arming the Kurdish military force in Iraq, or as he called them, "my Pershmerga pals." Friess's best buddies are actually called the "Peshmerga," but it's not exactly a surprise he messed up their name: This is the guy who sent an email to the Casper Star-Tribune where he simultaneously praised Sen. John Barrasso, said he was thinking about running against Sen. John Barrasso, and repeatedly misspelled his idol/would-be opponent's name as "Barrosso." And unlike "Zoowanatou," the Peshmerga actually do exist, though the governor of Wyoming has very little say in whether the United States arms them or not.
(added context mine)

If you're a Wyoming voter, vote for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Throne to prevent Foster Friess from flushing Wyoming's reputation down the toilet.
